How to Create an Offer that Scales for 2024

Jan 08, 2024

Robert J Miller

In this fast-paced digital era, I've discovered how the balance and nuance between low and high ticket offers can be the game-changer in your pursuit of scaling up any business.

Low Ticket Offers: A Blueprint for Success

1. Identify a Specific Problem

Start by identifying a single, pressing problem your audience faces. Simplicity is key.  

For example, "$20M Social Media Ads You Can Steal to Copy Paste in Your Account."

By giving someone the tools, pdf guide, or the course that they can go through to solve that problem, the more trust is built with you and your brand for the long run throughout the customer journey.

2. Set the Right Price

Keep it affordable, typically $7 to $27, but make sure it provides perceived value.

The purpose of getting the first purchase is to recover some ad budget, and the upsells are where your profit lies.

So understanding how you’ve laid out your ascension is key!

3. Upsell Strategy

Think of it as step one in a journey.

You must think…“What is the NEW problem they will have when using what they just bought from me?”.

See once the customer has bought your low ticket product, the next offer should be higher-value deliverables that either automate or are the next tools and media they’ll need to scale to have success with the original claim.

An example of that would be like a $7 initial ebook offer, which then leads to a $47 video course.

4. Logical Ascension

Ensure each upsell step makes sense and adds value without overwhelming customers. 

Many times entrepreneurs will immediately jump to done for you services, but this is the wrong time to do it, when leveraging low ticket funnels.

See low ticket is a way for you to get new customers at a slight loss, break even or profit!

The customer journey should be designed to build value and trust so when you offer the higher ticket down the road, it’s a no brainer which we’ll talk about below!

In the context of low ticket, think about what would logically follow and sell them that thing.

Typically its PDF/Tracker/Template > Course on How to use it > Automate that thing > Then the Next logical upsell.

An example can look like Ad Templates > Ad Course > Automated System to Manage Leads + media on how to set it up > Email Copy Swipe File.

Remember you must meet your prospect where they’re at in their journey so speaking to that one pain point in the beginning has to be strong enough to get the click, to then ascend.

5. Effective Marketing

Now let's talk about the ecosystem you're creating. Your ads should revolve around the specific problem you're solving. Keep it clear and focused.

After they purchase the first and subsequent items in your low ticket funnel, your email marketing must pull them into the next step.

If they only bought 1 item of the 4 you’re offering, send them back to ascend into the second or third option until they buy.

If they aren’t buying then that means the angle or product doesn’t resonate, so as you’re building your brand the media produced to build trust, authority and the social proof that your products and info work, is what will bring them forward especially if nobody has heard of you before!

High Ticket Offers: A Comprehensive Approach

1. Understand the Sales Process:

Most people first start with “I need ads” because they have no clients.

While ads are the solution, you must think through your sales process first to squeeze the juice out of the ads and ingest the new flow of leads and business.

So it first starts with having the right sales process!

How are you going to manage the new leads?

Yes, this matters.

Do you have a one call process, or a two call process?

Need help seeing which one is best for you?

You can watch the full video on how I evaluate sales processes here

Once you have your sales process down, it’s about properly asking the right questions to tee up the sales team.

Understand the journey your high-ticket clients are on. Your sales team will need to know

What parameters and attributes do your perfect clients have?

How will you determine who should move forward and who shouldn’t?

How will you indicate, notate and capture the data into the system?

This is all essential so you can pull proper reports later!If you need help with crafting your sales process and system you can work with my team at Creator Ads to develop this out with you.

2. Set the Right Price Range

Generally the higher the ticket the more payment options you have to consider in order to help your new client get started and pay for services.

High-ticket ranges from $10,000 to $100,000 or more, so in order to get your prospects into the ecosystem you can develop a tiered payment structure.

2 pay, deposit then 3 payments and so on.

However, there are two components to help you determine what you can realistically afford to provide when it comes to payment options.

The logistics and costs of your offer initially may be minimal but as you scale each incremental service will cost more.

It’s simply economies of scale once the business gets bigger than you

I have made a video covering exactly this on my instagram that illustrates this concept in more detail

But the main principle is to properly EVALUATE your costs before just bringing on everyone for $1 down.

You must solve both parties' problems!

The Prospect
: the service they need (fulfillment), and

You as the Business Owner: the cash for operations and expansion you need to continue to provide the service and make proper hires to improve it (operations).

Once you have those contents down the next piece is the framing of your offer to the prospect will determine how much they should or shouldn’t believe in the offering which we’re covering in the next point.

3. Pre-framing and Information

We live in an age of transparency and the information is readily available through social media, Google and ChatGPT.

Cut the EGO and be transparent. You’re not THAT special with your offering to withhold info. Show that you’re different by being transparent about the service, the commitment to them and your unique selling propositions.

This includes bridging the gap in understanding the concept you're communicating to them…

Creating content to help provide answers to FAQs…

And other social proof that they can review in order to show them service results.

If you do this effectively your sales calls will be easier, the prospect will have better questions to ask, and your team will properly advise them on what next steps look like to solve their problem, whether it's with you or not.

No more arm twisting, aggressive and pushy sales calls…

Make it a consultative approach and provide value!

4. Handling Objections

With every offer there are a set of problems that must be solved for, which will lead to common sales objections that every closer faces.

Like Grant Cardone Says

“There’s one of 4 reasons why people don’t buy...

- Time
- Money
- Product
- Not the Decision Maker

Expect objections, address them confidently during the sales process, and show them the way forward while expecting they’ll throw up these objections.”

So expect them, create scripts and training around this in order to help your team better serve your end prospect.The sale doesn’ end when the transaction occurs, that's when it starts!

5. Differentiation

Clearly communicate what makes your offer unique and why it's the best choice.

6. Margin of Error

High-ticket offers allow for some marketing and sales experimentation due to larger profit margins.

Spend a budget, run through your sales process, and make the improvements where they’re needed.

Advertising always amplifies what you do and don’t have set up.

Every broken part of the business is a reflection of the things you’ve underestimated or failed to plan for, and that's okay. That's called SCALING! This is why I like focusing on high ticket offers because there’s more profit here to gain once you have things dialed in.

7. Emotional Connection

The last and most important part thats overlooked because marketing and sales is developing an emotional connection with the audience and prospects throughout the journey!

Understand that high-ticket purchases involve emotions and aren’t always just logical.

There’s a desired end state that your services should be delivering and when you focus on connecting on a personal level, being consultative and creating real relationships through the process, your karmic load will be net positive regardless of the commission amount or revenue numbers.

Yes that means telling prospects, "based on what I’m hearing i’m not sure this is even the right fit for you.

Mind if I ask more questions to see how we may be able to help or how I can point you into the right direction?"

Striking the Balance and Deploying Initiatives to Maximize Profits

In marketing and sales, balance is key. Low-ticket offers cast a wide net and create a niche solution to bring many leads at a slight loss, breakeven or even a profit!

High-ticket offers cater to a full comprehensive solution, packaged and productized for your client.

By mastering both lines of revenue, you create a well-rounded, profitable strategy, a pipeline full of leads, and as the business owner you can hire more team members and provide impact on communities and families by choosing growth!

Simplicity, value, and emotional connection tie it all together for success!

To your future success,
Robert J Miller

P.S. If you need help creating, building or scaling up your low ticket and high ticket offers click here to apply and work with our 8 figure team!